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Internet of Things World 2018

Veröffentlicht am 9 April 2018

Internet of Things World 2018

Join 7layers, the wireless test expert from Bureau Veritas at the Internet of Things World 2018. Find out about the latest extension of our services, offering an ever wider portfolio for the IoT.

May 14th – 17th, 2018
Santa Clara Convention Center, Santa Clara
Booth #806

Get ready to go to market with 7layers and other leading chipset vendors, wireless service providers and module manufactures, who will all be at Santa Clara for the Internet of Things World Conference. Learn about the latest IoT trends and the various challenges of developing new products from the complete ecosystem. And when you are ready to learn more about testing and certification stop by the 7layers booth to speak with one of our Market Access Experts. Leave IoT World with an understanding of your lead time, costs and market access requirements for your next device.

7layers – ready to present the latest wireless developments

Learn more about our IoT test services for

For more information and to organize a fixed appointment with one of our staff please contact

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