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Your access to the US market

FCC certification in accordance with Federal Communications Commission requirements is mandatory for all wireless products to be placed on the U.S. market. The FCC requirements assess the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of the radio products. The additional electrical safety verification is not mandatory for U.S. approval but is often requested by the market.

With nearly 300 million consumers, the United States is one of the largest and most important markets in the world. Telecommunications companies that want to take advantage of this economic potential must ensure that their products are compliant with FCC regulations. Our comprehensive services provide you with the assurance that your products meet the relevant FCC USA standards and certification criteria.

The FCC’s required testing is performed at approved laboratories. After the FCC approval process, the radio products must be marked with the FCC ID mark.

We quickly and reliably perform all the necessary testing services required for FCC USA certification.

Our FCC expertise for you

Through our decades of international experience of our FCC accredited laboratories in the USA, Europe and Asia and our network of partner laboratories and certification bodies, your product can go through the approval process with us quickly and effectively by taking advantage of all synergy effects.

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More services and information for FCC USA Certifications

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is a U.S. agency concerned with market surveillance of wireless devices. Products with wireless connectivity components are generally required to undergo an approval process in accordance with FCC regulations and relevant FCC standards before they can be marketed in the US. This is primarily to ensure that the radio frequency levels emitted by the equipment are within the FCC-approved limits. Obtaining FCC certification requires that the party responsible for compliance work with an approved Telecommunications Certification Body (TCB). Such certification is not required for certain types of equipment. Alternatively, the responsible organization may submit a Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity (sDoC). At the end of this process, the product must be provided with an FCC ID or an optional FCC logo in the case of the SDoC process. Find out more about the regulation and visit the website of FCC USA gov.

What is required for FCC testing?

It must be determined which FCC regulations apply. It must be determined which product is involved, e.g., a high-frequency device. Then, the appropriate approval process for the product must be selected. Is certification necessary, or is the sDoC procedure sufficient?

– also, for pre-compliance testing during the development of the product to avoid costly repetition of tests later.

– After successful testing, the approval process must be completed according to the chosen procedure. This may mean preparing the required certification in the case of the sDoC procedure. Or certification by a TCB must be applied for, which will ultimately add the product to the FCC database.

Finally, the FCC mark is placed on the product, either as a mandatory requirement with additional information in the case of the certification process or as a voluntary step in the case of the sDoC process for informing the consumer.

If you want to get your smart device certified with FCC, you can get a professional test from us. We will support you to obtain a secure product certification with the help of our high-precision IoT testing and thus create a market access for your IoT company.

Do you need FCC certification? Feel free to contact us. We will be happy to advise you personally!