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Sigfox World IoT Expo

Veröffentlicht am 31 August 2017

Join Sigfox World IoT Expo
Meet 7layers at this 1st time Sigfox IoT event

Forum Karlin
Pernerova Street 53
Czech Republic
25 – 26 Sep 2017

The Sigfox World IoT expo is a 1st time opportunity for the Sigfox ecosystem to meet.

Sigfox, a world leader in providing Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity, has built a global network, connecting billions of “low-energy devices” to the internet as simply as possible. The further development of this ecosystem and how to make the most of new IoT based developments and business cases will be discussed at the event. Speakers from leading companies will present topics such as

  • IoT – an opportunity for device makers
  • Delivering IoT services worldwide
  • Digital transformation in developing countries etc.

7layers, a selected Sigfox supplier of consulting services and radiated tests, important for Sigfox Ready™ certification, will be available at the event with a table top presentation. Please join us and let us show you how to bring Sigfox connected devices and smart IoT services to the global market.


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