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OmniAir's Cyber Security Working Group creates its first validation series

Veröffentlicht am 9 August 2018

OmniAir’s Cyber Security Working Group creates its first validation series


The Cyber Security working group of the OmniAir Consortiums, one of the leading industry associations for promoting interoperability and conformity certification for connected vehicles, has set itself the goal of developing cyber security tests and specifications for DSRC based vehicle components. It wants to extend the existing OmniAir DSRC-V2Xcertification programme with cyber security checks.

Now the developments are picking up speed. The working group participants, representatives of automobile manufacturers, tier-one-suppliers, device manufacturers and leading cyber security experts have developed the first validation series. This will be tested at the OmniAir’s Plugfest from 22-26 October in Texas, with direct feedback from test laboratories, test solution providers and suppliers.

Since October 2017, the OmniAir Konsortium requires independent third party testing and certification for DSRC-V2X devices, including conformity and interoperability tests. As the first OmniAir approved test laboratory for DSRC-V2X technologies, 7layers welcomes this decisive step of the consortium. A perfectly functioning “automotive ecosystem” requires not only that the device communication takes place in compliance with the communication protocols, but also that critical safety information is protected – and that throughout the entire life cycle of the device.


Cyber Security – topic at the “Ecosystem Automotive” 7layers Congress in November – save the date!

By holding this convention, 8 – 9 November 2018 in Frankfurt, 7layers would like to create an information- and networking-platform. It will be of interest for people working in the field of product management and business development. Trendsetters, service providers, product developer, certifying and type approval providers will debate: Which mutual or opposite targets, expectation and challenges are there concerning products, applications, cyber security, launches and user benefits? What is the current state of affairs? What is the trend? What experience have been made? What will the future bring?

More information and registration for the congress will be available from September 2018 at

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