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China Telecom successfully evaluates 7layers Interlab Test Solution DEVICE/UICC as first platform for NB-IoT SIM/SAT conformance tests

Veröffentlicht am 23 August 2018

China Telecom successfully evaluates 7layers Interlab Test Solution DEVICE/UICC as first platform for NB-IoT SIM/SAT conformance tests

Over the last months experts from China Telecom and 7layers have successfully completed the full evaluation of the NB-IoT SIM/SAT test cases based on the Interlab Test Solution DEVICE/UICC.

China Telecom plans in future to rely on the 7layers Interlab Test Solution DEVICE/UICC (TP115) for NB-IoT tests (USIM/USAT) for certification testing.


>> This topic might be also interesting for you: China Mobile approves 7layer’s Interlab Test Solution Device/UICC as first platform for NB-IoT SIM conformance tests

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