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7layers Certification Workshop

Veröffentlicht am 14 August 2018

7layers Certification Workshop


5 February, 2019
Mercure Airport Hotel, Frankfurt
Am Weiher 20
65451 Frankfurt/Germany
Starts: 10:00 am
Ends: 5:15 pm
Fee: 390 € net/person
(Get 15% credit by sending registration before the 15 January 2019)

>> Online registration

The lectures will be held in English


 10:00 Welcome
 10:15 Certification, Policies & Guidelines for Wireless Communication – Thomas Hoell , 7layers

The integration of radio technology and the consequences for certification. The radio certification of a wireless product can be a challenge. We will guide you through this process and illustrate how to integrate wireless features in a way to reach a most efficient certification strategy. Regulatory approvals (CE, FCC, ISED and other national approvals) as well as certification regimes of industry interest groups (PTCRB, GCF, further network operator approvals) will be part of the presentation

 11:00 Global Type Approval Certification – Torsten Lohoff, 7layers

Round 200 countries in the world have different requirements for radio certification: The presentation gives an introduction to general certification requirements and specific information on key markets.

 11:45 Coffee break
 12:00 Family and Variants Certification – Torsten Lohoff, 7layers

Complex products with many variants require a suitable and reasonable certification approach. The certification strategy is important in order to ensure compliance and to reduce risks. The presentation describes typical differences between product variants and based on that strategies how to certify radio devices.

 12:45 Lunch break
 01:45 LoRa & Sigfox Certification – Jerome Hamel and Ina Mitzich, 7layers

See how 7layers is addressing the innovations of the Smart World to help creating trust and confidence in the Internet of Things, Smart Services and New Wireless Technologies “

Introduction and focus on two emerging LPWAN technologies: LoRa and Sigfox.

  • Overview of the technologies
  • How chipset/module manufacturer and end-device supplier can access to these 2 fast growing markets?
  • What are the LoRa Alliance and Sigfox certification requirements?
  • What is process to get the relevant certifications?
  • How can this be combined with regulatory requirements?
 02:30 RED and FCC test Process Update – Marco Kullik, 7layers

The major changes on the most important certification schemes

  • Introduction of the updated applicable standards on the basis of RED and FCC/ISED rules
  • Risk Analysis
 03:15 Coffee break
 03:30 Smart Products Certification Bluetooth® Qualification – Carsten Steinroeder, 7layers

Bluetooth® Qualification :

      • What is Bluetooth Qualification?
      • Latest ChangQualification: Qualify?
      • Product Types / How must I Qualify?
      • Testing Requirements
      • Bluetooth Qualification Process
    • Bluetooth 5.0
      • Key Facts
      • Impact on Bluetooth Qualification
    • Enforcement Program
      • How to report a violation
      • Escalation Process
 04:30 Good Practices for Labeling, User Manual, Docs etc. – Carsten Steinroeder, 7layers
 05:15 End

All participants are invited to take part in our get-together dinner on 5 February 2019, 6:00 pm, at the Mercure Hotel restaurant.

>> Online registration

>> Download Agenda

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