Panel discussion on IoT security

Securing IoT / M2M devices
7layers speaks on securing the enterprise for IoT panel at enterprise IoT in Austin, TX, USA

7layers’ Mahesh Kodukula was joined by Paul Jauregui, VP Marketing, Praetorian; Jon Clay, Sr. Global Marketing Manager, Technology and Threat Marketing, Trend Micro; Dr. Shane Rooney, IoT Executive Director, GSMA on a panel moderated by Steve Brumer of RCR Wireless. They discussed the challenges facing the market on securing M2M devices.

IoT security is of growing concern, as the number of devices and the scope of smart services increases.

In this video you learn about the security challenges of todays enterprise IoT deployments, and what is being done to help secure IoT device networks.
Listen to a broad variety of backgrounds and perspectives from IoT & security experts in this video, which was taken at the recent Enterprise IoT Summit in Austin, TX on March 28th, 2017.